Unfortunately, yet again, nature has conspired against us and we have had to cancel today's line.
Weather permitting we will try to hunt from Les Landed on Tuesday!
Happy New Year to all!
Unfortunately, yet again, nature has conspired against us and we have had to cancel today's line.
Weather permitting we will try to hunt from Les Landed on Tuesday!
Happy New Year to all!
Unfortunately, due to an unexpected quantity of rain overnight we have had to cancel today's hunt.
We look forward to seeing you all on Boxing Day!
Due to the really bad weather this week hunting is cancelled today. Weather prospects for next week are a lot better, we are on hunting on Wednesday and then again on Boxing Day
As part of truly horrendous week for the hunt, a night of stormy weather and a forecast of more rain to come, we have regretfully cancelled today's hunt.
Hunting cancelled after a lot of rain last night, ends a run of some 20 consecutive hunting days, so we shouldn't really complain! More news on next week's hunt soon.
Forecast for tomorrow's hunt is OK, I think there might be a little light rain first thing which should die out as we get going. Check back here in the morning to see if we change our minds!